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Buy 20-25 Mayfly Data Loggers and Proto Shields

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Buy 20-25 Mayfly Data Loggers and Proto Shields

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    • #12873

        What is the best way to buy 20-25 of your loggers and wing shields?

      • #12874
        Shannon Hicks
          For small orders, we only sell through our Amazon storefront. But since you need a large order, it’s best to contact us directly to see what we can do for you. You can send me an email at mayf
        • #14310
          Jim Moore


            Amazon says the protoshield is unavailable.  Are there any plans to restock?  I need 2-3 protoshields.

          • #14512
            Jim Moore

              Any updates on the availability of the Protosheilds?

              • #14541
                Shannon Hicks

                  I sent more protoshields to Amazon earlier this week, so they should be available as soon as Amazon processes the incoming shipment.

              • #14582
                Jim Moore

                  I just checked Amazon and no Protoshields showing.  I guess shipment processing isn’t one day turnaround!

                • #14596
                  Jim Moore


                    I checked Amazon and finally discovered that “envirodiy mayfly protoshield” works for a search.  Did not have envirodiy in my search query.

                  • #14597
                    Jim Moore

                      I checked Amazon and finally discovered that “envirodiy mayfly protoshield” works for a search.  Did not have envirodiy in my search query.

                      I just bought the last one so guess t

                    • #14598
                      Shannon Hicks
                        They were in stock and available for a few weeks, but I guess they’re popular again. We’ve been offering the protoshield for several years, but demand for these tends to fluctuate more th
                      • #14604
                          Hello I’ve just had a request to quote for a number of water monitoring devices, each one includes a Mayfly. I’ve put on the response quote subject to availability of the Stroud Water Rese
                          • #14605
                            Shannon Hicks
                              We’re planning to implement a separate online storefront for bulk quantities for instances like this, which will make purchasing large quantities much easier than buying lots of our single-packa
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