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Attaching a Campbell Scientific OBS3+ turbidity sensor to Mayfly

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Attaching a Campbell Scientific OBS3+ turbidity sensor to Mayfly

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    • #12861
        I have successfully deployed two stations with Meter ES-2 sensors. I’m trying to put together a third station with and ES-2 sensor and a Campbell Scientific OBS-3 turbidity sensor, but I canR
      • #12862
        Shannon Hicks

          We currently don’t sell the screw terminal adapter, but I’m working on getting them to Amazon this week. I’ll post an update here when they are available.

        • #12863

            Great, thanks for your quick reply. Is there a way to connect the sensor to the board without the screw terminal adapter?

          • #12864
              For each supported sensor in the Modular Library there’s an extensive wiki. I haven’t used that sensor, but the OBS3+ wiki (https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/wiki/Campbell-OBS3)
            • #12865
              Shannon Hicks
                The OBS sensor comes a with bare-wire cable with 6 leads. Three of them need to be connected to the Mayfly ground (sensor power ground, sensor signal ground, and sensor shield). Then the 3 other sen
              • #12868
                Shannon Hicks

                  The Grove 6-pin screw terminal adapter board is now available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PVKQVH8

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