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Atlas Scientific Logger – Sleep between readings

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Atlas Scientific Logger – Sleep between readings

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    • #14714

        I am having an issue attempting to setup a datalogger to record readings and put the Mayfly to sleep. My setup is an Atlas Scientific EC and temperature probe as I2C protocol connected to an I2C

      • #14715
        Shannon Hicks
          It looks like this code was based on one of our old sleeping Mayfly logger example sketches, but there’s some stuff in the main Loop that is out of order. I’m assuming you’ve got th
        • #14716
            Thanks! I worked through a couple of things, including your suggestions, and I still can’t get the logger to wake up… I know the switch works because if I set it to HIGH in the setup the b
          • #14717
            Shannon Hicks

              Is the board sleeping all the time and not waking? Or is it awake all the time and not sleeping? Is data being saved to the card or printed to the serial terminal?

            • #14718

                It is sleeping all the time and not waking. No data is being saved or printed to the serial terminal.

              • #14719
                Shannon Hicks
                  I just compiled and ran your code on my own Mayfly board (replacing the Loop function with the one I edited above), and commenting out anything relate to the Atlas sensors since I don’t have any
                • #14721
                    Thanks for troubleshooting the code. Looking at it more…It works with one sensor but not with both on the same I2C hub. It seems that there is a problem when both grounds are connected to the hu
                  • #14738
                    Jim Moore
                      I am using the same hardware with my Low Cost EC stations   which is set up for UART mode bu
                    • #14755
                      Sara Damiano
                        I’m sorry I’m late to the game on this one.

                        Shannon said more clearly what I would have said. But re-reading, I remember that the Atlas sensors are special. You can’t cut the power

                      • #14756
                        Sara Damiano
                          All of the Atlas sensors do have a built in sleep command that you can use for low power without needing the isolator. You should be able to add ‘RTD.send_cmd(“SLEEP”);’ and &#
                          • #14823
                              Thanks, @srgdamiano and @shicks! After working through the code, what seemed to work was actually placing the sensor sleep commands in my getdata() function. For whatever reason it didn’t work t
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