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Atlas Scientific EZO sensors

Home Forums Miscellaneous Atlas Scientific EZO sensors

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  • Author
    • #1559
      Jim Moore
        I am trying to interface the subject conductivity sensor to the Mayfly. For starters I can’t find any info on switching the power to the grove connectors. The EZO sensors have a serial output t
      • #1562
        Shannon Hicks
          Try this DHT sensor example. It shows you how to power the switchable Grove connectors, and you can just replace the DHT stuff with some
        • #1567
          Jim Moore

            Thanks Steve.

            That works but I noticed the 5V pins were at 3.27 Volts and the 3.3V pins were at 3.32 Volts. Is there another pin to turn on the 5V boost ckt?

          • #1578
            Jim Moore
              I have test code from atlas scientific that works.

              What changes do I need to use the mayfly board other than changing

            • #1581
              Shannon Hicks
                The Atlas Scientific sensors work fine with 3.3v VCC, so just connect the 3.3v pin on the Mayfly header (either the D22 switched or the constant 3.3v VCC pin) to the Atlas board along with a ground li
              • #1640
                Jim Moore
                  I want to time stamp data to a log file from the Atlas sensors. I can’t seem to find any sample code for the Mayfly board’s RTC. I could also use some help on the battery and solar cell
                • #1641
                    Somewhere on the site, it recommended a Sodaq DS3231 library, which is similar to the Mayfly. Make sure the coin battery is in.

                    I used the example to set the clock (took me ~10 sec to upload): https

                  • #1643
                    Jim Moore
                      Your code looks close to what I am trying to do with the Atlas sensors. However, it wouldn’t compile due to missing SDI12.h library. Is this just for the SDI-12 protocol which I am not using f
                    • #1645

                        yeah, the library is for sdi12 sensors.

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