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Adding AtlasSci Sensors to MMW

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Adding AtlasSci Sensors to MMW

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    • #16121

        Is it possible to add the Atlas Scientific conductivity 1.0 and industrial pH sensors to the available sensors in MonitorMyWatershed? I sent an e-mail directly to MMW a while back about the pH

      • #16124
        Heather Brooks

          Hi Fiona. We thought these were already in MonitorMW but Sara (@srgdamiano) was going to check. If they’re not, she’ll be able to add them for you. Thanks for your patience!

        • #16125
          Sara Damiano

            The conductivity probe was already there.  I’m adding pH now.

          • #16126
            Sara Damiano

              Done.  Sorry for the delay.  Let me know if you have any issues adding a sensor.

            • #16127

                I was able to add it without issue. Thanks so much, @heather and @srgdamiano!

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