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Reply To: Wiring Ultrasonic sensor w/ temp compensator

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Wiring Ultrasonic sensor w/ temp compensator Reply To: Wiring Ultrasonic sensor w/ temp compensator

Matt Barney

    Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but it is exactly on-topic for my situation.

    I’m confused about wiring the MaxTemp. The ModularSensors documentation says to connect the red wire from MaxTemp to the MaxSonar’s pin 6 (V+). However, the MaxBotix datasheet shows no connection of the MaxTemp to V+. Likewise, @fisherba Beth’s photo above shows there are only 2 connections from MaxTemp:  one to the MaxSonar’s pin 1 (via yellow Grove wire) and the other to pin 7, GND (black wire). Beth said her circuit works, so @srgdamiano, is the ModularSensors doc incorrect?
