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Reply To: Attaching a Campbell Scientific OBS3+ turbidity sensor to Mayfly

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Attaching a Campbell Scientific OBS3+ turbidity sensor to Mayfly Reply To: Attaching a Campbell Scientific OBS3+ turbidity sensor to Mayfly


    For each supported sensor in the Modular Library there’s an extensive wiki. I haven’t used that sensor, but the OBS3+ wiki (https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/wiki/Campbell-OBS3) says that it’s an analog communication and here are the wire color details:
    “The power supply is connected to the red wire, low range output comes from the blue wire, high range output comes from the white wire, and the black, green, and silver/unshielded wires should all be connected to ground.”

    So this basically means that the low range goes to one analog pin and the high goes to to another analog pin, such as AA0 and AA1 on the Mayfly. I assume there’s a place in your sketch to define which pin is low and which is high. Then red is voltage and the other three all connect to the ground. You could do this through a Grove port (with a 4-screw terminal), or the analog header rail.