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Unless you can make a large enough buffer to accommodate 20-30 values the full proof other option is to have a way a to check if the number of received values equal the number of expected from concurrent result command. If it doesn’t then increase the dataOption value from D0! to D1! and so on. I piggy-backed off your code SDI12Sensors code and simply said if we are beyond the third value and a -9999 is returned, then try increasing the dataOption and send command. This worked for me but isn’t the best method. Ideally the loop would center around the variables the SDI-12 device has, which you called ‘numVariables’ and not the number of variables the user sets ‘_numReturnedVars’. We could follow my logic for checking for more data after finding missing data (-9999) OR parse and count the results from the initial .read(), check if it is equal to ‘numVariables’, if not then ask for more data and append to previous results, and check again and so forth till read variables count equal the ‘numVariables’.
I also had to increase your sdiResponse.substring(4,5) to (4,6) to account for two digit variable counts.
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for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _numReturnedVars; i++) { float result = _SDI12Internal.parseFloat(); // The SDI-12 library should return -9999 on timeout if (result == -9999 or isnan(result)) result = -9999; //Check if there are more values than in initial data command if (i > 2 and result == -9999){ // Empty the buffer again _SDI12Internal.clearBuffer(); MS_DBG(getSensorNameAndLocation(), F("Checking for more data:")); String getDataCommand = ""; getDataCommand += _SDI12address; getDataCommand += "D"; getDataCommand += String(dataOption); getDataCommand += "!"; dataOption += 1; _SDI12Internal.sendCommand(getDataCommand); delay(30); // It just needs this little delay MS_DBG(F(" >>>"), getDataCommand); while (_SDI12Internal.available() < 3 && (millis() - startTime) < 1500) {} MS_DBG(F(" Receiving results from"), getSensorNameAndLocation()); _SDI12Internal.read(); // ignore the repeated SDI12 address result = _SDI12Internal.parseFloat(); } MS_DBG(F(" <<< Result #"), i, ':', result); verifyAndAddMeasurementResult(i, result); } |