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Voltage divider on multipurpose screw adapter

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Voltage divider on multipurpose screw adapter

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  • Author
    • #16238
      Matt Barney
        I have a question about how to use the voltage divider feature of the EnviroDIY multipurpose screw terminal Grove adapter v1.0.

        I have a turbidity sensor that outputs analog 0-5V across 2 lines: Sign

      • #16254
        Matt Barney
          After probing the screw term adapter, I don’t think that it will work for my purposes as I described above. If I’m correct, the way the adapter’s voltage divider works is this: When
        • #16256
          Shannon Hicks
            Hi Matt, sorry I didn’t see your original post from last week.  You are correct in how the resistor divider works, we have several sensors that have a 0-5v DC output, so dividing it in half mak
          • #16257
            Matt Barney
              Thanks Shannon. I’m not positive that I need to use differential measurement… I’m approaching the edge of my knowledge as a non-EE. Turner doesn’t specify whether it’s OK
            • #16259
              Matt Barney

                FYI, Turner tech support tells me that Signal Ground and Supply Ground must be “Kept separate so that noise isn’t injected into the response.”

              • #16260
                Shannon Hicks
                  Sounds like modifying your Grove cable to connect the resistor pair to your differential input is your best bet.  Here’s a schematic of the multi-purpose screw terminal board if that helps.  T
                • #16262
                  Matt Barney
                    Thanks for the schematic – that is helpful. I removed the solder blob using solder wick and re-added it to the res-div position, but it wasn’t pretty; it looks like I overheated the board
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