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Unable to login after v0.15.0

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Unable to login after v0.15.0

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    • #17727
      Matt Barney
        Following the release of v0.15.0 yesterday, I can’t log in to MMW. I tried the ‘Forgot Your Password’ link, but as of now, I’ve still not received the password reset email that
      • #17728
        Matt Barney
          OK, I received the password reset email; it just took a bit longer than expected.

          However, after using the reset code and entering a new password, I got the error attached below. (Page URL is: https:

        • #17731
          Heather Brooks
            Hi @mbarney, sorry you’re experiencing difficulty after the release. @aufdenkampe, can your team take a look at this issue and Hi @mbarney, sorry you’re experiencing difficulty after the release. @aufdenkampe, can your team take a look at this issue and this one?

            Matt, to answer to your question about notification, an email was sent to all registered Monitor My Watershed users on April 5. In case others have questions, I’ll paste it in here.

            Dear Monitor My Watershed User,

            A lot has been happening behind the scenes to improve the performance, stability, and features of the Monitor My Watershed Data Sharing Portal. The hard work by Anthony Aufdenkampe, Paul Tomasula, and others at LimnoTech is paying off with several new version releases. The next release (v0.15) will enhance account security on Monitor My Watershed.

            This security enhancement requires you to reset your password. When you access Monitor My Watershed on or after 12 April 2023, you will be prompted to change your password when you log in. Your username will remain the same. If you have questions or issues with this procedure, please email help@monitormywatershed.org.

            For the few of you who use the Water One Flow endpoint (https://monitormywatershed.org/wofpy/) for accessing your data via a script, please reach out to help@monitormywatershed.org for information on an upcoming shutdown of this service and a temporary, undocumented alternative.

            On behalf of the Monitor My Watershed team at Stroud Water Research Center and LimnoTech, thank you for using and supporting Monitor My Watershed!

            Scott H. Ensign, Ph.D.
            Assistant Director
            Vice President and Research Scientist
            Stroud Water Research Center

          • #17733
            Matt Barney
              Ah! Thank you @heather! I had already forgotten that notification after a week – yikes!

              Also: Despite the error message I received after password reset, I discovered that it had actually logged

            • #17734
              Heather Brooks

                No worries! I’ve sent your bug report to help@monitormywatershed.org. Thanks for reporting it. Stay tuned!

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