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Ultrasonic Stream Depth Sensors

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Ultrasonic Stream Depth Sensors

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  • Author
    • #1124
      Tom Sayles
        I recently ordered a MB7040 I2CXL-MaxSonar-WR sensor [I like the i2c interface and don’t need mm resolution] and @Shicks said “That sensor may not be the best option for you”.

        I wrote

      • #1125
        Shannon Hicks
          Tom, I checked out that new sensor, the I2C interface from Maxbotix is a new feature, it might be handy, but I think the serial output is just as easy to use. My main concern is that the 7040 model i
          • #1128
            Tom Sayles
              @Shicks, thanks for the heads up on the temperature compensation. I had already been thinking about measuring temperature at the top, bottom and water surface [hopefully using an I2C-IR sensor I’
          • #1129
              Steve – I gather this, rather than the blog, is the best place for questions.

              So, any idea when you might have a new design for the ultrasonic level kit ready to post? W. Oregon has wet winter

              • #1137
                Shannon Hicks
                  I will be assembling a couple of Ultrasonic loggers with a colleague in a few weeks and we will document the process and post it on this site. However, we’ll be using the Seeeduino Stalker v2.3
              • #1648
                  Hi..i am a new user here. As per my knowledge in the datasheet, it warns that different target sizes will result in different range measurements, even if they are at the same distance. Basically, ther
                • #1496
                  Danny Waz
                    You are not missing something. It would be more accurate to say “ultrasonic stage height sensors”, because depth is merely retrieved, not sensed. This is problematic when one cannot easi
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