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Typical Mayfly Data Usage

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Typical Mayfly Data Usage

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  • Author
    • #15182
      Sam C

        I’ve been diving into the Mayfly world over the past month and am about to make my first purchase to get going. I was wondering what the typical data usage is for a mayfly with a basic E

      • #15183
        Shannon Hicks
          Data plan prices are kind of a hard thing to put an exact total on, since it varies depending on various factors the station owner can choose, like cell carrier and transmitting interval, but I can gi
          • #15222
              My experience with Hologram Pilot Plan on the 2g network was as follows:

              3 parameters (Conductivity, Temp, Depth) returned in addition to DateTime @ 15 minute intervals

              Average daily use = 715 B per

          • #15193
              Through Digikey RevX there are some new data plans that cover up to 50MB for $6/month


              Using Digi LTE CAT-M1 modems, with Verizon SIMS from Digikey, transmitting 8 valu

            • #15262
              Sam C

                Thank you all for the responses! This will really help us get our pilot program up and running!


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