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Transfer file from SD card to iOS/Android via bluetooth

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Transfer file from SD card to iOS/Android via bluetooth


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  • Author
    • #14998
        Newbie question here…I successfully setup the Mayfly to measure and record temperature and dissolved oxygen to the SD card. Access to the loggers will require someone to paddle out in a canoe or
      • #15061
        Sara Damiano
          I’m sorry, I’ve never tried anything with Bluetooth, so I’m only guessing here.

          If the Bluetooth chip is that simple, and you have it connected to TXD and RXD on your Mayfly, you sh

        • #15071
            Hi @selbig an interesting idea.

            I’ve been thinking about unattended access (of just equipment monitoring) and BT (low power) would be pretty nice. However as you are seeing there is a lot of co

          • #15072
              Thanks for the input. I got it figured out. It’s a pretty sweet arrangement that will make life easier for data collection. As @neilh indicated, the Mayfly logger, bluetooth HM-10, battery, and
            • #15079
              Sara Damiano

                That’s great!  I’m sorry, I was imagining you had the entire set-up, Mayfly and all, running on batteries and sealed under water

              • #15091
                  @selbig Wow thanks for sharing that. I’ve been thinking about BT for some time… and hadn’t seen how far it has come. There is also Blue Tooth Commander App  for Android  – so
                • #15098
                  Sara Damiano
                    I was reading up on the BLE support on the XBee3.  I think the only way to send data over Bluetooth is with Digi API frames.  You can use the on-board micropython, but from what I can tell, that use
                  • #15104
                      found this

                      http://www.dfrobot.com/product-1073.html  TEL0073 Xbee TH BLUETOOTH 4.0  using Ti’s CC2540.  Digikey 1738-1014-ND‎

                      Seems to me there is a critical power issue;  how can a powered BT

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