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Solar panel of 12v compatibility with Mayfly

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Solar panel of 12v compatibility with Mayfly

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    • #2365
      Luis Andres Guillen
        Hello, is it possible to connect the Mayfly to a 10w or 20w solar panel that also has an output of 12volts? or would that be too much and would overcharge the batteries or damage the board?
        Thanks in
      • #2368

          I designed my datalogger using Mayfly with a 4000mAh 3.7 Li battery and a 0.75W 6V solar panel.
          Sleep mode was added.
          The battery can last for 30 days (4.13V drop to 3.7V) without solar panel. If

        • #2369
          Shannon Hicks
            ChanCafun is right, you definitely don’t want to connect any panel to the Mayfly’s SOLAR jack that has a voltage higher than 6 volts. I wrote a post about solar panel options earlier this
          • #2371
            Luis Andres Guillen
              Thank you very much for your answers! I understand that I don’t need such a large panel, but that one is already in the field an I could plug into it.

              Would this transformer from 12v to 6v wor

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