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Sleep code not working with Maxbotix 7389

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Sleep code not working with Maxbotix 7389

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    • #13444
        We have a project which requires only reading a Maxbotix 7389 and using the result to trigger taking a water sample.

        With cold weather we have started getting bad (300 mm) data values sometimes. We

      • #13448
        Shannon Hicks
          Sara is probably the best one to comment on the code aspect of your question, but hardware-wise, you might want to try a different pair of pins for connecting the sensor. D19 is used as the status pi
        • #13451
          Sara Damiano
            Can you post your code? I can’t help much with the sleeping issue without seeing your code.

            The issue with getting those 300mm values back from the sonar is an issue with the sensor/installati

          • #13452
              Sensor works much better in open air suspended over water on a boom. We are now testing taking 10 separate reads at each time interval- for trouble shooting information. Although occasional interva
            • #13453
              • #13454
                Sara Damiano
                  I put your code into a “code snippet” to make it easier to read.

                  You’re listening to the sonar via SoftwareSerial. SoftwareSerial works by means of pin change interrupts. Pin chan

                • #13455
                  Sara Damiano
                    Well, actually, I forgot about the internal data filter. Leaving the sensor always powered will give time for that to come into play. I don’t know if it will help any, though.

                    Some thing else

                  • #13488
                    Sara Damiano

                      Did the modification I suggested get your board to go back to sleep and stay asleep?

                    • #13536
                        Thanks for your use of the MaxBotix Sensors. As such, Sara Damiano’s response regarding the 300mm reported value is correct. This is often caused by object defections or condensation. We offer
                      • #13553
                          We just finished the last of a series of tests of the Maxbotix. With the changes which Sara suggested (close the serial port after each log interval and restart it for each new consectutive interval)
                          • #13559
                            Sara Damiano

                              a. We saw no evidence that the sensor had any issue related to condensation during the tests given that there was a hydrophobic coating on the sensor face and that the bad data occurred at

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