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Serial datalogger RS485

Home Forums Other Data Loggers Serial datalogger RS485

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    • #13192
        Hi all,

        I’m am attempting to hook up an acoustic Doppler current profiler to the mayfly logger to output binary data via RS485 serial (RX0/TXO) as half duplex, 8 bit no parity no stop. Any suggesti

      • #13195
        Sara Damiano
          You’ll need an RS485 to 3.3V TTL adapter. I *strongly* recommend getting one with built-in flow control. I also highly recommend hooking your doppler up to the Mayfly’s Serial1 unless you
        • #13205
            Hi Sara,

            Thanks for the reply and pointers! I bought an adapter, but I’m unsure if I’m hooking it up correctly. Would you mind looking at the attached pictures for reference? I’m un

          • #13208
            Sara Damiano
              That looks like the converter I have. If you’re sure you have the right A & B wires, your doppler is powered, and the lights on the adapter are flashing, but you’re still not getting
            • #13214
                Thanks for the help!

                I ran into another problem as I think something happened and I blew a chip in the ADCP… I’m trying to determine if voltages were different. The RS232 and 485 chips i

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