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SDI12/Software Serial library conflicts: Arduino-based data logger

Home Forums Other Data Loggers SDI12/Software Serial library conflicts: Arduino-based data logger

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    • #9107

        We are developing a data logger to collect climate, water chemistry (Atlas Scientific sensors) and water level data (Decagon CTD-10). We are using the Arduino Mega as the primary data logger wit

      • #9276
        Sara Damiano
          Yes, the SDI-12 library will conflict with SoftwareSerial, EnableInterrupt, and every single other library that defines and uses pin change interrupt vectors. This is a known issue. There are notes
        • #9277
          Sara Damiano
            If you want to understand the problem better, there’s a good explanation of interrupts here: http://www.engblaze.com/we-interrupt-this-program-to-bring-you-a-tutorial-on-arduino-interrupts/


          • #9290
            Sara Damiano
              Oh, also, the warning “#warning “This file has been moved to <util/parity.h>.” might be because you have an older version of the SDI-12 library. Try updating it and see if that go
            • #9327
                I tried updating the SDI-12 library but am getting similar errors. I’m still looking in to this, but am wondering whether I can use hardware serial ports on the Mega to communicate with softwar
              • #9352
                  My new compile errors (verbose) are provided below; as you can see they’re similar to what I was getting before I downloaded the new SDI-12 library.

                  My apologies for asking very rudimentary que

                • #9365
                  Sara Damiano
                    I’m sorry, you can’t just update the library, you have to actually open and change the cpp files from both SoftwareSerial and the SDI-12 libraries if you want to use them together. All up
                  • #9366
                      Update: Got the proof-of-life (POL) code on the Mega to work using hardware serial on the Mega (Serial2) to communicate to the Pro Mini POL software serial (digital pins 2/3 RX/TX).

                      Thanks for all y

                    • #10147
                      Sara Damiano

                        I’m glad it worked!

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