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SDI-12 level shifting

Home Forums Environmental Sensors SDI-12 level shifting

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    • #15387
        I was wondering does anybody have a suggestion for a hardware level shifter for the SDI-12 interface and if there are any software mods needed.

        I’m interfacing to the LT500 that requires at lea

      • #15395
        Shannon Hicks
          We’ve encountered a few SDI12 sensors that are more picky about the data line voltage being actually 5v instead of 3.3v, and when sensor excitation line needs 9v or 12v, then we definitely need
        • #15398
            Hello @shicks thanks for the response. I was thinking partly of the SDI-12 specification modules driving 5V back into the 3.3V ports.  The Insitu LT500 that I’ve been using does respond to Mayf
          • #15407
              Hello  @shicks  ~ I’m just following up on this as I’m respinning my  Modbus Board 

            • #15409
              Shannon Hicks
                I’m still finalizing testing of a circuit for this, parts are on order but due to supply and shipping delays, I don’t have them yet.  Hopefully I’ll have something to report next we
              • #16499
                  Just as refresh this is my  data while working with a prototype SDI-12 level shifter.


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