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SD Card Recording Data Issue

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger SD Card Recording Data Issue

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    • #13113
        Hello everybody, I hope everything is well on your behalf,

        So I am currently trying to record data in an SD card for 4 environmental sensors. I succesfully manage to record the data in just 1 environ

      • #13117
        Sara Damiano
          What do you mean by “does not work?” What do you see on the serial monitor and on you SD card’s file? When you say “The code itself works to display the data in the
        • #13122
            I am trying to get a txt file of the data from all four sensors to the SD card. It works when I use the first code for the DHT sensor only, the data is recorded inside the SD card as a txt file and I
          • #13124
            Sara Damiano
              You’ve included both “SD.h” and “SdFat.h”. Did you try including only one of those? They might not conflict for the compiler, but they have very similar functionality a
            • #13127

                I removed Sdfat from it and it did not work either. Should I try with sdFat library only?

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