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Reposting: Library extension "Mod"

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Reposting: Library extension "Mod"

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  • Author
    • #2321
      Heather Brooks
        (@arnoudc: Webmaster is reposting because users are unable to access content of original post.)
        Dear all, I got stuck when trying to run the sketch of Maxbotix sonar with sleeping and SD card.

        The er

      • #2324
        Sara Damiano
          If you’ve downloaded the libraries from https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Libraries, then you should be able to fix it by replacing (in your sketch, not in the library) every instance of “Softw
        • #2325
          Sara Damiano
            If you don’t want to be limited as to which pin each library can control, you can set the pin change interrupt as “master” and use a different version of software serial that has bee
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