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Remote Water Quality System for Stream

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Remote Water Quality System for Stream

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  • Author
    • #1205
      Kevin Young

        I am thinking of developing a remote, continuous water quality system with an Arduino data logger and various sensors (pH, turbidity, nitrates, DO, temperature, streamflow) with a GSM module t

      • #1211
          Hi Kevin,
          I can’t answer you electronics questions, but will comment on your sensor deployment. Placing stream sensors in an enclosure may cause some issues. First, an enclosure with small hol
        • #1245
          Rene Schieritz
            Hi Kevin,

            I’ve been working towards a similar goal to you, and have mostly the same solutions. Developing a stream monitoring system in South Africa though. About the electronics: I’m not

          • #1246
              Hey interesting thread here.
              Seems like a lot of people have some great ideas on this. My 2cents is its a really difficult area – specifically for what Rene has pointed out – the quiescen
            • #1247
              Rene Schieritz
                Hi Neil,

                I’m also approaching the level measuring issue, but with a tubular capacitive sensor. Pretty simple circuit, using a TS 555 in astable mode to convert capacitance to frequency, logged

              • #1249
                Kevin Young
                  Hi Dave, Rene, Neil,

                  Thank you very much for sharing your information, it is a great help.

                  Dave, that is a good point in regards to sediment build up if one were to enclose the sensors as I had init

                • #1250
                    Rene, I got the bare bones Aqua Plumb when they kickstarted it:
                    They filed off all the numbers on the chips, so not clear how they are doing it.
                    Be intere
                  • #1251
                    Rene Schieritz
                      Hi Kevin,

                      That sounds very good. I had similar plans to you!
                      So, you can definitely use that turbidity meter. The datasheet is a little bit weird (there’s a missing label, and I can’t fin

                    • #1252
                      Rene Schieritz

                        I believe that the AquaPlumb system is Capacitive-based! You should be able to make your own, though at that size you may need a capacitance-to-digital converter like the TI FDC1004. I intend t

                      • #1254
                          Hi Rene
                          Yes the Aquaplumb is capacitve sensor based, tried it and tested it.
                          Then I took the basics and applied them to the Teensy-LC which has capacitive inputs and tried the same on that.
                          So I was
                        • #1258
                            Hi Rene
                            Thanks for the reference on the FDC1004 – there is an App Report
                            Capacitive-Based Liquid Level Sensing Sensor Reference Design

                            I’ve attempted so

                          • #1271
                              Lots of good ideas in this thread. I’ll add some of what I’ve been up to…

                              I’m primarily using the Maxbotix ultrasonic sensors for water depth (mounted above the water). I

                            • #1272
                                Wow thanks for the details. Great to see the Sodaq Mbili/GprsBee and hear its good piece of equipment.
                                When it comes to attaching in the stream be, depends on stream conditions, soil type and vegetati
                              • #1288
                                Kevin Young
                                  Thanks for the information everyone.

                                  I drew a diagram of the physical construction of the water quality system as I have envisioned it, which I’ve attached below. I wanted to ask your thoughts

                                • #1290
                                    Hey kevin, great to see a sketch.
                                    Some thoughts
                                    1) I would ensure a standard measuring tape on the outside of the tube – make it easy for any site visits by anybody the waterdepth and time of m
                                  • #1302
                                      Hi All
                                      I was visiting the ArmTechCon/Santa Clara last week and a friend was on the ARM stand showing their CalPoly university project.
                                      It had the basic same concept – using ultra-sonic to measu
                                    • #1303
                                      Kevin Young
                                        Thanks for sharing Neil, thats pretty interesting. We are developing a similar project in my university class — server software for collecting data from environmental sensors either via wireless
                                      • #1320
                                        Kevin Young
                                          Hi all,

                                          Just wanted to update here with our results. We deployed our datalogging device in the NE Branch of the Anacostia River right next to USGS Site # 01649500 (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/

                                        • #1327
                                            Hi Kevin
                                            Your project is very interesting.
                                            I am myself a surfer and i think that foam shaping solution could be used for cheap floating housing (instead of float buoys). I will investigate and get ba
                                          • #12373
                                              Good discussion here. @kevin, how did this project end up? Were you able to address data shifts with calibration?

                                              I’m also looking into remote stream monitoring. My particular measurements are

                                            • #12374
                                              Rene Schieritz
                                                Hi @zrti0803,

                                                I had some experience with this. I would suggest that putting the box in the water with an attached cable is a bit of a hazard. You could end up losing the whole thing unless you very c

                                              • #12378
                                                  Great suggestions and tips, thanks Rene! I’ll put some extra time into designing the implementation of that turbidity sensor, I have a few ideas but zero experience with actual tests. I assume t
                                                • #12379
                                                  Rene Schieritz
                                                    Well there’s that and also the fact that this is an in-line flow meter. You’d have to use some sort of rather complicated and hugely variable calculation to convert the flow in the pipe (w
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