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Remote Programming of MayFly Data Logger

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Remote Programming of MayFly Data Logger

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    • #14499
      Tom Schanandore

        I am curious if any developments have been made on creating a way of programming the MayFly data logger remotely, without having to go out to the site to physically re-program? I am new to the

      • #14508
        Shannon Hicks
          I don’t know of anyone successfully programming a Mayfly board remotely. We didn’t design the board with that capability in mind, but we’re investigating that option for future board
        • #14509
          Tom Schanandore
            That would be awesome, as the ability to re-program and trouble shoot would be beneficial.

            Since the boards were not designed to have that capability, do you think it would be impossible to attempt t

          • #14513
              Interesting idea for a secondary board, perhaps linked into the USB. I have heard it done before via the JTAG, but I don’t believe this is available for Mayfly.
              Possibly the biggest question on
            • #14515
              Shannon Hicks
                Remote programming a datalogger has never been a priority for the type of deployments we usually do, because our monitoring stations require frequent maintenance visits to clean the sensors or perform
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