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Publish to AWS?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Publish to AWS?

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    • #15654
        Hey EnviroDIY,

        I am researching the use of AWS buckets as an alternative data endpoint for Mayfly logger output. Has anyone out there already tried doing this?

        After some preliminary research it see

      • #15656
          Its often seems simple, but the practical side of it can be complex – like if certificates are needed.  AWS can scale, but that requires a lot of layers. As I understand it AWS dices and slices
        • #15773
          Rick Vogel

            I agree with @neilh in that AWS can be a little cumbersome. I have used it with the ESP32 platforms in the past via WiFi, but in the end opted for using other end points than AWS. Lots of free d

          • #15774
              Thanks for your input @neilh and @vogelrnws.  I work for a state agency, so I have limited options when it comes to IT related endeavors, especially things that are new (like technology from the last
            • #15775
              Rick Vogel
                Are these Verizon Jetpacks with Wifi or do your modems have a serial connection? We started out with AWS, Verizon Jetpacks w/WiFi and the ESP32. It worked, we just didn’t have an active AWS cont
              • #15777
                  @vogelrnws, We are using 4G LTE modems that are recommended by EnviroDIY with the LTE Bee Adapter. Verizon will se
                • #15778
                  Rick Vogel
                  • #15784
                      I wonder if the AWS interface can be done through some form of @vogelrnws  python that runs on the Xbee LTE? JMight be worth looking for som
                    • #15788
                      Rick Vogel
                      • #15793
                          @vogelrnws, thanks for the digi link… this does seem like something that could work very well to send information to AWS from a XBee modem. There are still several steps to figure out in terms o
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