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Problems with libraries on the Mayfly Data Logger

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Problems with libraries on the Mayfly Data Logger

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    • #16661
        Hello, we are having issues adding the libraries on the Mayfly Data Logger. We used the libraries given to us by the manual but the Arduino software is saying that they are invalid. Sorry if this has
      • #16664
        Shannon Hicks
          I assume you mean the manual is pointing you to Github where you attempted to download the libraries?  If you go to https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Libraries and follow the instructions on that page in
        • #16687
            We went to https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Libraries and follow the instructions on that page in the section called “Installing Libr
          • #16688
            Sara Damiano
              The instructions for manual installation on the https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries are telling you how to find the right location to put the unzipped folder.  Once you have the right folder, y
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