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Problems with a combined MH21 Gen1 and Gen2 station

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Problems with a combined MH21 Gen1 and Gen2 station

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    • #17340
        Hey all.

        I have a station that started out with two Gen1 METER Hydros 21s and has transitioned to having one  Gen1 and one Gen2.  Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get the sketch to work now eve

      • #17342
        Shannon Hicks
          From the sketch, it looks like you’re trying to operate both sensors on the same logger by using a separate data pins for each sensors?  That’s not the correct way to do it because of how
        • #17343
            Thanks, Shannon.  I think I get it.  🙂

            Just out of curiosity, is this new?  Or is it something that just became an issue because of trying to run the two different generations of sensor

          • #17344
            Shannon Hicks
              The only difference between the Gen 1 and 2 Hydros21 sensors is that the Gen 2 sensors need a little more time to respond to the SDI12 measurement command, which is hardcoded into one line in the Mete
            • #17345

                Ah!  Some pieces are coming into clearer focus.


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