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Problem with Arduino IDE loading Mayfly board data from github website

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Problem with Arduino IDE loading Mayfly board data from github website

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    • #1743
        I am running Windows 10 running 64 bit. The Arduino IDE downloads, installs and starts up. However, when I plug the Mayfly into a USB port and then go to the IDE Board Manager to select the board un
      • #1745
        Paul Dyer

          I had a similar problem. I assume you are using Arduino IDE 1.6.12, the latest version on the Arduino website. Even though the Getting Started With Mayfly says you can use Arduino IDE 1.6.5 o

        • #1746
          Shannon Hicks
            This is interesting, thanks for the information Paul. I haven’t encountered this problem with any of the recent Aruino IDE builds as of a few months ago, but I’ll try it with the latest o
            • #1749

                As suggested by Paul, once I had loaded IDE version 1.6.5 the communication problem was resolved. I was able to complete the installation and start up the Mayfly without any other issues.


            • #1757
              Shannon Hicks
                After extensive testing with 8 of the latest versions of the IDE, I can confirm that the EnviroDIY board configuration file that is currently posted on Github will work with Arduino IDE versions 1.6.5
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