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Printing floats with MS_DBG()

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Printing floats with MS_DBG()

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    • #15118
      Matt Barney

        How can I specify higher floating-point precision when using MS_DBG()? For example:



      • #15119
        Sara Damiano

          The Arduino print function defaults to two decimal places for a float.  Normally, if you were using Serial.print(float) you could control the decimal places with Serial.print(float, decimalPlaces).  But because of the way the MS_DBG macro is written, that won’t work.  You’ll have to create a String from the number and then MS_DBG that:  MS_DBG(String(float, decimalPlaces));

        • #15120
          Matt Barney

            Ah, perfect – thanks Sara!

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