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Precise analog voltage measurement using Arduino

Home Forums Other Data Loggers Precise analog voltage measurement using Arduino

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  • Author
    • #1574
      Jeff Horsburgh
        I’ve been working on an application using the Arduino UNO Ethernet and the Adafruit Datalogger Shield for creating an Ethernet enabled datalogger for some water meters that I have recently insta
      • #1575
          Hi Jeff, I think you’ve taken on a difficult challenge with estimating what is exactly ‘0’ at 4mA, and you would want to look at what is a theoritical low flow and can your ADC even
        • #1577
          Jeff Horsburgh
            Thanks for the reply @neilh. The meters are commercial grade (read that as $$$$$), and USU will eventually work them into their building automation (SCADA) system. But, they don’t have it depl
          • #1579
              Hey Goodluck
              Sounds like you have got the measurement traceability going. The local water company here installed a German ultrasonic meter, on the recommendation of Siemens. So far it seems to be slig
            • #1608
              Jeff Horsburgh

                I switched to a 12-bit ADC that I had laying around from another project (this one). You can supply it with a range of voltage up to abou

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