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Plotting calculated values

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Plotting calculated values

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  • Author
    • #13326
      Matt Barney
        How do I set up a calculated value to plot to my site at data.envirodiy.org? I’m using the example code here: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/blob/master/examples/baro_rho_correction
      • #13327
        Sara Damiano

          Select “All” as the manufacturer and “Calculated” as the sensor model.

        • #13356
          Matt Barney
            Thank you Sara. I see that the list of calculated variables is curated, so this avenue may not be the best fit for my use case. In particular, what is a non-hacky way for me to display a sensor’
          • #13360
            Sara Damiano
              Right now there’s no ability to do units conversions in either ModularSensors or on Monitor My Watershed. Your only option in ModularSensors would be to create a calculated variable that did th
            • #13368
              Matt Barney
                Thanks Sara. I was plotting air temperature from the Maxim DS3231 and wanted to display it in F, but that option is not available that I can see. I hope I didn’t make it sound like I thought any
              • #13388
                Matt Barney
                  I’m unclear on what changing the units of a temperature variable on MMW does for me; it seems to label the data as degrees F, but the values are still in deg C, as it appears that the Decagon CT
                • #13389
                  Sara Damiano
                    I’m sorryfor the confusion. The unit selected on MonitorMW should be the unit you are sending data in. The MonitorMW data portal never does any calcu lation of any type on the posted data, inc
                  • #13403
                    Matt Barney

                      Sweet – I’ve got it now. Thanks Sara!

                    • #13735
                      Matt Barney
                        I’m converting the temp value coming from the DS3231 from C to F and reporting the F value to MMW. However, unless I also add the C value to the variableList array, the F value being reported is
                      • #13737
                        Sara Damiano
                          The loop that requests values from sensors only queries sensors that have an associated variable in the variable list.  So if you don’t put the ds3231Temp
                        • #13741
                          Matt Barney
                            Hi Sara, Thanks very much for those details. I will set the updateValue flag to true for values calculated from sensor readings where we’re not also sending the non-calculated reading of the sam
                          • #13743
                            Sara Damiano
                              I think the Hydros 21 takes half a second or so to warm up and take a sample, so it’s probably fine.  It’s turbidity sensors, sondes, and anything Yosemitech that are really the slow-poke
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