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PlatformIO Developer Setup

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger PlatformIO Developer Setup

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    • #17428
      Adolfo Lopez

        Hello all,


        I’ve been trying to properly set up my platformio.ini configuration file to test some code out, but keep running into issues. I tried following the steps from the ModularSensors page but haven’t had any luck. Would someone be able to walk me through this process?

      • #17440
        Sara Damiano

          Can you explain what issues you’re having?

          Are you trying to use the library or to modify it?  The instructions you linked are for making changes to the library itself.

        • #17448
          Adolfo Lopez

            Specifically, I wanted to make changes to the ThingSpeakPublisher.h and ThingSpeakPublish.CPP. I’ve made changes on my local files to work with ThingSpeak, but I haven’t had much luck getting it uploaded on the Mayfly. I believe it’s because my platformio.ini file isn’t correct. I tried following the example found on the  ModularSensors, but it seems I need to make some other changes.

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