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PAR issue with Mayfly

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger PAR issue with Mayfly

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    • #17381

        I am working with a team measuring a host of variables off of mostly SDI12 sensors using both the newest and older Mayflys. We have run into an issue measuring PAR on our Mayfly logger station

      • #17383
        Shannon Hicks
          I looked at your sketch, it’s based on some really old examples we published many years ago at the beginning of the Mayfly project, but it should still work if you’ve got all the original
        • #17388


            I’ll give your suggestions a shot and see if we learn anything.

            Thanks for the quick reply.


            • #17393

                As you suggested, I tested a duplicate of our set up in the lab and used a power supply source set at 1.5V in the aa0 and aa1 ports used to measure PAR on the mayfly. I get 93 mV and 470 umo

            • #17394
              Shannon Hicks

                Which hardware version of the Mayfly board are you using this sketch on?

              • #17399
                  Current board that I am working on in the lab is a 0.5b. But we have run into the same issue with logging/calculating PAR using version 1.0 as well. We are running a mix of 0.5 and 1.0 in the field du
                • #17401
                  Shannon Hicks
                    Sorry I didn’t catch this earlier when I looked at your code.  But in line 39, you included the wrong library.  All of the various Mayfly board versions we’ve ever built have the ADS1115
                  • #17405
                      I updated the ADC library and changed the ADC definition on line 77 to the 1115 and that did the trick. 1.5V.   I am assuming that any past data taken in the field with the wrong ADC definition cann
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