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Optical dissolved oxygen solutions?

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Optical dissolved oxygen solutions?

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  • Author
    • #1924
      Thomas Parr
        Hi, I am trying to put together a cost effective lab and (supervised) field instrument for measuring DO in STREON metabolism chambers. The STREON chambers are currently designed for YSI PRODO sensors,
      • #1927
          Hey Thomas,

          – No, I haven’t seen optical DO probes less than 350, but I’ve only used PME minidots (onboard logger and should fit under a dome; ~1k) and Hach Hydrolabs (multiparamate

        • #1935
          Anthony Aufdenkampe

            The YosemiTech are a great deal and are very well made (http://www.yosemitech.com/en/product-cat-2.html). At the Stroud Water Research Center, we ordered one each of conductivity, turbidity

          • #12626
              Hi Thomas and anthony,

              I know it has been long since the post was discussed but by any chance did you guys move along with the project and made any breakthroughs? It would really help me alot.


            • #12630
              Sara Damiano
                I’ve made an Arduino library for communicating with the Yosemitech sensors: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/YosemitechModbus

                It’s built on top of my modbus library: https://github.com/Envi

              • #13655

                  I have a problem in communication between arduino uno and yosemitech Y504-A (http://yosemitech.sell.everychina.com/p-101690172-y502-a-online-optical-dissolved-oxygen-sensor.html). I use MAX485 mo

                • #13669
                  Sara Damiano
                    @ayechan – do you have a specific problem or are you looking for general instructions?  If you have a specific problem, please create a new topic with a detailed description of your setup and p
                  • #15057
                      Hi @sara,

                      I am trying to connect a y4000 to my arduino using an mkr 485 sheild (RS485) for hardware serial port  using your arduino library for y4000, till now with no luck.

                      I suspect it is because

                    • #15058
                      Sara Damiano
                        @madbird – I’m sorry, I’m not at all familiar with the MKR or any of its shields.  For anything to work, you need to know what kind of serial port you need and how the pins are conn
                      • #15059
                        Sara Damiano
                          Ok, I’m looking at the Arduino website now.

                          So it looks like the MKR is a SAMD21 based board, not an AVR based board like the UNO.  So, then, yes, just including AltSoftSerial will cause the c

                        • #15060
                          Sara Damiano
                            Oh, bother, and I missed that the chip on the RS485 shield does not have automatic flow control and the DE and REnot aren’t even on the same pin.   The library has support for a single DE/REnot
                          • #15067
                              Hi Sara,

                              Thank you very much for your help, I actually have a Y4000 and I have managed to communicate to it and use it connected to a PC, I am trying to monitor a near river.

                              I tried to work as you

                            • #15069
                              Sara Damiano
                                You’re not “overwriting” the serial connection.  The USB connection on the SAMD21 is a bit touchy and will fail if anything in the program fails.  In you’re program in lines
                              • #15074
                                  Hi Sara,

                                  Again thank you for your help, I am supplying the Y4000 from a dedicated power supply and I have done all the code instruction you gave earlier.

                                  The code is working. However, the sensor is

                                • #15078
                                  Sara Damiano
                                    You should be using the same modbus address that you use when connected to the computer.

                                    Looking at the datasheet again, I told you the wrong connections.  I’m sorry.  Only Y/Z are available

                                  • #15128
                                      Hi Sara,

                                      Just wanted to say thank you for your help and kind support, now everything is working as expected and just need to calibrate the Y4000.

                                      Attached is a screenshot about the final results, I

                                    • #15928
                                        Hei Sara,

                                        I’m trying to connect mkr458 with an Y511 sensor, I have followed the instrutions here, and tried different things to connect. Nonetheless, I get an “echo” of the “R

                                      • #16035

                                          @srgdamiano I forgot to tag you in last one – Or @madbird what kind of tweeks did you do on the delays? I’m stuck.

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