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need to find WiFi Bee ESP8266 MAC address

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger need to find WiFi Bee ESP8266 MAC address

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    • #14899
        The university network needs the WiFi Bee ESP8266 MAC address in order to register the device.  Registration of the device is required before network access is allowed.  Any code pointers for a sket
      • #14900
        Sara Damiano

          I didn’t read through this in its entirety, but here’s something to start:  https://randomnerdtutorials.com/get-change-esp32-esp8266-mac-address-arduino/

        • #14901
          Sara Damiano

            Also, if the university requires any sort of two-set log in to the network (like, on a phone where you need to click ok on an “accept the terms” page) you won’t be able to do it.

          • #14911
              Hi Sara,
              Thank you for the quick response.  I already tried the site listed and obtained the attached pile of error messages.
              Stay safe,
            • #14914
              Sara Damiano
                I’m sorry, I should have read that more carefully.  That program is meant to be written to an ESP, not to a Mayfly.

                Anyway, you should be able to do something like this:

              • #14922
                  Hi Sara,

                  Thank you for another iteration.  The verify attempt resulted in the attached list activity and errors.  I highlighted the most apparent error messages, so that may be the next things to a

                • #14924
                    Hi again,

                    Another effort used the correct void statements to get past compile, see copy of sketch used.

                    However, even though no red error message posted on upload, two lines were presented:


                  • #14936
                    Sara Damiano
                      Doh!  I’m sorry about the missing void statements.  That’s what happens when I write code on a discussion forum.  Good job fixing it!

                      The invalid library statements are probably becaus

                    • #14940
                        Hi Sara,

                        Thank you, thank you, thank you!

                        It worked once I cleaned up the libraries file and appears to have needed the older set of commands.  The serial output is attached.

                        Now back to shoveling

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