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Need Help with Clarivue10 Turbidity Sensors

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Need Help with Clarivue10 Turbidity Sensors

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  • Author
    • #17618
      Michael Daniel
        Hello everyone,

        I’m having a very similar problem to what James had been experiencing in

      • #17619
        Shannon Hicks
          What Mayfly board version are you using?  The ClariVue10 seems to only work reliably with the Mayfly v1.1 RevB since it produces the most stable 12 volt output.  Also, we’ve found that at room
        • #17636
          Michael Daniel
            The Mayfly is at least v1.1, but I’m unsure what revision it is. Would it say RevB on the board somewhere?

            Also, I should’ve mentioned earlier that I’ve tried to run the address cha

          • #17638
            Shannon Hicks
              I spent the entire weekend trying to recreate the SDI-12 communication issue with the ClariVue sensors by placing a bunch of Mayfly loggers and turbidity sensors in my freezer and refrigerator in vari
            • #17679
              Michael Daniel

                Thank you so much for all your help and hard work! Everything is working perfectly now.

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