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Modify SW5V boost to 12V

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Modify SW5V boost to 12V

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    • #2366
        Dear admin,

        I am working on reading the In-situ LevelTroll 400 water level sensor through Mosbus, it required a 12V-24V input.
        I have check the Mayfly sw5V boost SC4503 datasheet, it allow step up vo

      • #2370
        Shannon Hicks
          What version of the Mayfly board do you have? The newer boards have a different regulator than earlier versions, so make sure you’re looking at the right datasheet and resistors.

          If you’

        • #2464
            Hi Calvin
            Nice to see the pic of the 3G logger.
            I was wondering if you got the link to the LT400 working.
            I’ve been attempting to access the LT500 but not had any success decoding the LT500 pro
          • #2470
              Hi Neilh,

              I had successfully read LT400 through Modbus potocol. The TTL to RS485 coverter I was use showed in the attached photo.

              I am using an external 12V battery for the testing setup.

              I burnt

            • #2472
                Thanks for the link – I think I hadn’t figure out the right registers addresses to read, so very useful.
                I’m assuming your include <ModbusMaster.h> pulls https://github.com/4-2
              • #2476
                Sara Damiano
                  I’m sorry I’ve missed this thread until now.

                  I agree that when interfacing with a 12V powered device through the RS485 adapter, there shouldn’t be much risk of frying the Mayfly. I

                • #2477
                    Hi Sara.
                    Nice to hear someone else using Modbus/RS485. Thanks for sharing the library.
                    The realtime serial processing is a challange and I have got it working on different systems. The first sign to l
                  • #2484
                    Anthony Aufdenkampe
                      Sara has done some great coding work with her SensorModbusMaster library, primarily in support our use of t
                    • #2485
                        Hi Anthony, great to see the SensorModbusMaster detail.

                        FYI for the Keller Acculevel I found they had the CRC16 bytes switched around. Its well documented in the manual “Keller CRC16.

                        Also, i

                      • #2487
                          Hello @aufdenkampe
                          I was just wondering, for the Modbus/Keller Acculevel, for field deployment what you are doing for powering/mechanical and pushing to your intranet. Perhaps this is a topic by itse
                        • #12211
                          Anthony Aufdenkampe
                            @neilh, thanks for all of these tips. I’m just now diving back into all this, and actually need to make a lot of progress in the next 10 days.

                            I decided to still go with the Acculevel, because

                          • #12212
                              Hello @aufdenkampe,
                              Great to hear you are doing a power shield with capability to deliver to the EnviroDIY water quality data portal.
                              There hasn’t been a hw solution yet that I liked, that so
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