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MMW timeouts

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger MMW timeouts

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    • #16194
        I’m just wondering if anybody is monitoring the responses from POSTing to monitormywatershed.org
        and if they are getting a response ‘201’

        The data for my test systems, is being reco

      • #16195
        Anthony Aufdenkampe
          @neilh, we’ve been tracking your many issues in the last few days, including #542, and have been working on solutions. I j
        • #16196
            @aufdenkampe many thanks. Appreciate this is covering timing issues that are a bit hard to flush out.

            I suppose I’m the messenger in checking the system to what appears to be the bar from the

          • #16197
            Anthony Aufdenkampe
              @neilh, we’re glad to have you doing the intensive testing, reporting what you find, and having patience with us over the years before we could dive in to this issues, and over these recent week
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