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miniSD card slot

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger miniSD card slot

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    • #13191
        Hello Everyone,

        Is there an opportunity to purchase the miniSD card adapter separately?
        Or is the only option to buy the starter kit?
        I have a separate enclosure that I intend to use and that SD card

      • #13204
        Shannon Hicks
          It’s actually a microSD card slot, not a miniSD. And no, we don’t sell the adapter separately due to the complexity and cost of selling one small item on Amazon. I could sell a multi-pac
          • #13271
              Hi Shannon

              Would it possible that I complete a large purchase of them? I am working on building an intermittent stream monitor and intend to deploy as many as possible.

              I have a few questions regar

          • #13272
            Shannon Hicks

              Yes, you can email me at mayfly@envirodiy.org

            • #14542
              Robert S
                I just thought I would add this option to the forum in case someone else has the same issue because I recently broke the vertical adapter that came with one of my kits.

                I found this solution on Amazo

                • #14544
                  Shannon Hicks
                    That is an interesting part, but I agree that the most dangerous thing about using it is the possibility of having the metal part of the holder (which is connected to the negative or ground side of th
                • #14811
                  Shannon Hicks
                    Here’s an update for this topic:  we’ve implemented the online shop here on EnviroDIY to sell 5-packs of various products, including the vert
                  • #14815
                    Matt Barney

                      The online shop is awesome news for those of us building stations in quantity! Thank you Shannon and SWRC!


                      Trout Unlimited

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