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Meter Hydros 21 address

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Meter Hydros 21 address

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  • Author
    • #15351
      Matt Barney
        When using the Hydros 21, is there any problem with leaving its SDI address at 0 and updating the address in the code to match? The reason I want to do this is that I have a user who’s purchased
      • #15356
        Anthony Aufdenkampe
          Matt, unfortunately, I’m nearly sure that it has to be changed.

          See the warning in: https://envirodiy.github.io/ModularSensors/group__sensor__hydros21.html#sensor_hydros21_ctor



        • #15357
          Matt Barney
            Thanks Anthony. That warning is pretty clear. But I wonder why that’s a constraint.

            It looks like “0” is a valid address according to the

          • #15358
            Anthony Aufdenkampe
              Matt, my understanding is that the warning to not use address “0” came from a Meter/Decagon integration manual and from real-world experience. If I’m not mistaken, some sensor manufa
            • #15359
              Shannon Hicks
                Meter Group sensors that use SDI12 protocol (like the Hydros 21) come from the factory with a default SDI12 address of ‘0’.  Their sensors are programmed to output a serial data string co
              • #15360
                Matt Barney
                  Thank you both for those details!

                  So to be clear: if I have only 1 SDI-12 sensor on the bus, and it’s at address 0, it should work properly with ModularSensors, even if I’m averaging 6 re

                • #15361
                  Anthony Aufdenkampe
                    Shannon, thanks for those additional details!!!

                    Matt, from what I read in Shannon’s description, keeping the address set to ‘0’ might result in you only taking 1 measurement for ave

                  • #15362
                    Shannon Hicks
                      No, the Meter Group sensor will not work with Modular Sensors if its address is set to ‘0’.  When it’s set to ‘0’, the data string is not in proper SDI12 delimeted forma
                    • #15363
                      Matt Barney

                        Ok, I see. Thanks so much for taking the time to provide all these details – very helpful!


                        Trout Unlimited

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