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Mayfly website links

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly website links

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    • #12926

        Hi, it appears that all of the Mayfly links are down except the forums. Is there an estimate when these will be back up?

      • #12927
        Heather Brooks

          Hi @garrett. Could you test them for me now, please? You may need to clear your browser cache or open in a new window.

        • #12929
          Brett Melbourne

            Apart from the forum and home page, I see all “Page not found” messages too as of 06-12.

          • #12930
            Heather Brooks

              Thank you. It appears my fix was only temporary as the 404 errors had cleared yesterday. I’ve pushed the site to staging and will troubleshoot there now.

            • #12931
              Heather Brooks

                I believe the issue is resolved. If you encounter a “page not found” error, please clear your cache or open a new/incognito browser window to make sure you’re not viewing a cached version of the website.

                If you clear your cache and still get the error message, please email webmaster@stroudcenter.org so I can get more details from you. Thanks for your patience!

              • #12932
                Brett Melbourne

                  Thanks for looking into it. A lot of pages were working again for a while but it seems to have gone down again this morning. I’m still seeing “page not found” after clearing cache or in private browsing.

                • #12933
                  Heather Brooks

                    Thanks for your feedback. Yes, unfortunately the problem appears to be reoccurring at what appear to be random intervals. Our web host is monitoring the logs to try and pinpoint the problem. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and I hope that we’ll be able to resolve the issue today.

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