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Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue?

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  • Author
    • #15902
      David Lutz
        Dear Mayfly community,

        Recently we’ve expanded our terrestrial Mayfly network to include 7 new stations in a research forest in Vermont. We installed 2 stations in the fall and data was logged

      • #15903

          If they wrote to the SD card in the lab but not the field could it be a power supply issue?

          • #15904
            David Lutz
              That’s a good thought – the only thing is that we have the identical setup nearby that we installed in November with the exact same battery and solar panel, and those function with no prob
          • #15905
              An idea, equipment failure isolation.  (assuming you’ve got the board in a lab location) Possible combinations of the three variable 1) switch uSD and 2) switch Mayfly  3) add separate USB pow
            • #15933
              David Lutz
                A small update for everyone:

                We were able to allow the Mayfly to operate by updating the libraries in our code. We are using some core IDE libraries as well as some EnviroDIY libraries. My sense is t

              • #15935
                Shannon Hicks
                  I haven’t had any issues with any loggers not recording data recently or clocks not running, including boards I just programmed this week.  But I use stable libraries from several months ago an
                  • #16046
                    David Lutz

                      We had been using the EnviroDIY Libraries as well as libraries contained within the IDE itself. Our code uses sections of the sample logger sketch, but have been built out a bit to combine p

                  • #15936
                      Sara captures all the libs specified as part of the release procedure https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/releases/tag/v0.30.0 look for ModularSensors_Dependencies_v0.30.0.zip

                      I’ve no

                    • #16092
                        I am experiencing a similar issue that may be related, although without the RTC issue…

                        • Built with Modular sensors v0.30.0
                        • Data is saved to SD card when connected to compute
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