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Mayfly I2C Address

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly I2C Address

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  • Author
    • #16313
      Zeke Holloman
        @srgdamiano @shicks @neilh20


        Hi there! Does the Mayfly have an I2C address associated with it? I’m trying to use Wire.h to transmit data between two Mayflys. If it does, where could I f

      • #16314
        Shannon Hicks

          The Mayfly board is not a I2C slave device so it does not have an I2C address.  The easiest way to transfer data between Mayfly boards would be to use UART like serial or NewSoftSerial.

        • #16315
            @zeke-holloman communications – peer2peer – is a deep subject.

            Many years ago I wrote the code for a comms stack to use the 9bit UART to poll an array of processors. In the end it was 2pe

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