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Mayfly availability – July 2018

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly availability – July 2018

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  • Author
    • #12314
      Shannon Hicks
        Due to high demand, the Mayfly board and Starter Kit are sold out of our Amazon storefront. We’re working to replenish the inventory as soon as we can, which will probably be some time in Augus
      • #12369
        Shannon Hicks
          Our Amazon inventory is back up and running again. Some of you have noticed and already ordered some boards and kits. We should be able to keep the storefront stocked unless there are a lot of large
        • #12383
            Hello, great to see inventory on Amazon.
            Is the board rev0.5 or rev0.5b.?
            The current board on amazon shows a rev 0.5 – so I’m checking. Seems to me the rev0.5b would support a Cell pho
          • #12384
            Shannon Hicks
              For more than a year now, all boards, either the ones bought separately or as part of the starter kits, are the latest v0.5b. The only difference between the .5 and .5b is the power options for the b
            • #12385

                Fantastic. Amazon pic silk screens says 0.5. Thats a great change to be able to power directly from the LiPo

              • #12395
                  Hi to all of you,

                  I am writing from Greece/Europe. I have tried to purchase the Mayfly but Amazon does not deliver this or the starter kit to Greece. Is there any thought for Mouser delivery channel

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