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Mayfly Availability

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly Availability

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    • #15631
        Just wondering if there is a date on Mayfly Availability. ?

        https://www.envirodiy.org/product/envirodiy-mayfly-data-logger-pack-of-5/ says out of stock.

        Much appreciate an approximate date, though I

      • #15636
        Shannon Hicks
          The current estimate is that we’ll receive a big shipment in about a month, so early August we’ll be able to restock the shop and Amazon.  The worsening electronics supply shortage caused
        • #15640
            Many thanks for the heads up on provisional dates. It helps with planning.

            Its painful dealing with components that have become unavailable and locate comparables – I had to do that with the Mo

          • #15647
              In case its of interest, I have a method of writing to the onboard EEPROM, and use it to track the revision of the board in the data file .csv on the uSD.      https://github.com/neilh10/ModularSen
            • #15810
                I’ve had some people ask me how to get hold of boards.
                Just wondering, I know there has been a worldwide shortage of some parts, but is there any update of when the boards might be available?
              • #15812
                Shannon Hicks
                  New Mayfly boards and cool new accessories will be here very shortly, still waiting for the shipment, and then we’ll need time to turn things around and get the shop restocked, but it should be
                • #15847
                    Hello @shicks.  Just wondering if you can give any insight as to the process, when you think you might be able to tell us about what the new revision looks like, or possibly any visibility on when it
                  • #15848
                    Shannon Hicks

                      The shipment arrived a few days ago, I’ll be documenting the new hardware and finishing the changes to the website later this week and hopefully have them available in the shop next week.

                    • #15849

                        Many thanks.

                      • #15907
                          Just wondering any visibility on a timeline for new Mayfly, and what the new goodies are :).

                          I am looking at recommending it in an SSU Engineering project.

                          The first projection on availability was e

                        • #15908
                          Shannon Hicks
                            The shipment of new boards and accessories arrived 3 weeks ago.  I began testing the products and making the necessary changes to the code and documentation, but then our area was hit by the remnants
                          • #15909

                              Good to hear that the gauges survived, and delivered the data.!!

                              Many thanks for the refresh on status  and  (target) date :). Very helpful.

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