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Mayfly 1.0 compatibility

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly 1.0 compatibility

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    • #16076
        Just starting a discussion on the new Mayfly 1.0 compatibility.
        Seems like, the core interfaces and using Digi LTE CAT-M1 should be compatible, (possibly requiring the LTE Adapter board)

        providing t

      • #16078
        Matt Barney
          I have a couple of related questions as we prepare to integrate v1.0 boards into our new deployments, while also keeping our existing 0.5b installations operating for as long as possible.

          1. W
        • #16079
          Shannon Hicks
            The same Hologram SIM cards we’ve been using for the past year in the Digi boards work just fine in the new EnviroDIY LTE boards.

            The new EnviroDIY LTE bee works in the old Mayfly 0.5b boards,

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