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Manual upload of CSV files on MonitorMyWatershed

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Manual upload of CSV files on MonitorMyWatershed

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  • Author
    • #14019
      Robert S
        I don’t know if this is related to the issue reported by @mbarney (monitormywatershed.org is not responding
      • #14023
        Matt Barney
          Hi Robert,

          I just now tried and am also unable to upload a CSV. In the past, I had trouble due to formatting or due to files that were too long, but once I figured that out, I saved examples of files

        • #14025
          Robert S

            Thanks for the verification Matt.

            I was aware that large files can be a problem.  I am trying to upload 2 days worth of readings (about 290 lines) but see your file is even smaller.



          • #14033
            Robert S
              Well, I have pretty much answered my own question.

              After doing some searching on GitHub, I came across Issue #303 ( Allow POST of da

            • #14034
              Sara Damiano

                The csv uploading tools are very sensitive to an irregularities in the files.  We would very much like to improve them, but right now that’s pending time and, mostly, budget.

              • #14035
                Robert S
                  I think that sensitivity is a good thing when collecting data and I want the system to tell me I am doing something wrong. If I could change anything, it might be to tell me what I am doing wrong.


                • #14043
                  Sara Damiano
                    It would be so much better if the website at least told you *why* and upload failed!  All you get is a “failed” which could mean anything – the format was bad, the
                  • #14045
                    Robert S

                      Hmm, turning on the console never occurred to me. I will have to remember that one.

                      Thanks for your insight and knowledge Sara. I appreciate all of the useful conversation.



                    • #14473
                        I have been having similar problems uploading to the internet.  They seem to have become worse the last few months.

                        I make it a point not to change the original data file, I open it but don’t

                      • #14478
                        Robert S

                          I can’t think of any one thing that may be wrong (internet service, formatting, etc) without seeing some of the data. Could you maybe post some small samples of the files your are workin

                        • #14516
                            I’ve attached two of my files from earlier today.  The file with 08-20 is the raw data file created yesterday right from the Mayfly, and the 08-21 is the upload file created today as I describe
                          • #14520
                            Robert S
                              Okay, here is what I see …

                              Note: I am no expert but having an extra set of eyes helps sometimes.

                              I set up a dummy site and tried to replicate what I saw in your files. You can have a look at t

                            • #15683
                              LaRyssa IWI
                                I am working through manually uploading site data and I get the “upload successful” message, but it’s not actually uploaded? Has anyone come across this issue?

                                I attached an example

                              • #15685
                                Robert S
                                  Not sure what the problem is, but the file seems to be valid.

                                  I set up a test site, added the same sensors and changed the UUIDs in the file you attached to match what I set up and it uploaded with n

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