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Managing EnviroDIY libraries and dependencies

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Managing EnviroDIY libraries and dependencies

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  • Author
    • #13884
      Matt Barney
        I’m still a newbie when it comes to PlatformIO and dependency management. What is a recommended best practice for managing the versions of EnviroDIY libaries that I have installed? Do you post n
      • #13888
        Sara Damiano
          Personally, I don’t install any libraries at all to my “global” folder in platformio.  (ie user\me_xx\.platformio\lib\xxx)  I always reclone the entire batch of libraries into the
        • #13889
          Sara Damiano
            If you have the same library installed in a global folder (ie user\me_xx\.platformio\lib\xxx) and the local project library dependency folder (project_xx\.pio\libdeps\xxx) PlatformIO should select the
          • #13895
            Matt Barney

              Thanks Sara, that’s very helpful. -Matt

            • #13896
              Sara Damiano

                Also, I’m shamefully bad about notifying anyone when I’ve updated the libraries.

              • #13904
                Matt Barney
                  I understand. I assume that whatever is in the master branch is considered stable and OK to deploy in the field (while keeping in mind all standard caveats to software development and testing 🙂 ).


                • #13969
                  Matt Barney
                    Hi Sara,

                    Today I started to shift my workflow to having all dependencies local to a given project as you suggested. I’m wondering whether it’s even necessary to clone the ModularSensors d

                  • #13972
                    Sara Damiano
                      That automatic library population used to happen in PIO version 3ish, but it got lost somewhere in the updates.  It’s good to hear it’s back again.

                      I don’t usually specify the vers

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