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Logger ID provided by Stroud?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Logger ID provided by Stroud?

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    • #13254
        Hello all,

        This is my first time attempting to set-up a Mayfly (with the Campbell OBS3+ sensor) and I have almost no experience so please bare with me.

        I’ve been following the steps as laid ou

      • #13255
        Sara Damiano
          If you’re not working with Stroud, you get to assign your logger any ID you want it to have. We often use the Mayfly serial number or a numeric count of it being the nth logger we’ve depl
        • #13256
          Sara Damiano
            I’m sorry the directions for that example are confusing – it was originally written for people directly working with Stroud and being assigned loggers by us. If you’re making your o
            • #13257

                Ah, well that makes perfect sense. I thought somewhere along the line Stroud had produced an ID for this specific logger, but this makes it much simpler. Thank you.

              • #13261
                  While I have your attention, I have a second question if you’re ale to help.

                  I am now trying to edit the UUIDs in the sketch for each of my variables, except I don’t have the CTD sensor a

              • #13264
                Sara Damiano
                  If you don’t have a CTD attached, you should remove all the lines for the CTD. If you don’t remove them, your logger will waste time trying to communicate with a sensor that doesn’t
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