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InSitu RDO PRO-X not reading

Home Forums Environmental Sensors InSitu RDO PRO-X not reading

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    • #15628
        I’m using the code pulled from the menu_a_la_carte for the InSitu RDO PRO-X and Decagon ES2. I’m able to get values for the Decagon but the RDO returns -9999 values. I was able to communic
      • #15629
        Shannon Hicks
          I successfully used that sensor with a Mayfly v0.5 board with no problem.  If you’re powering the sensor with a separate 12v battery, do the Mayfly and the 12v battery share a common ground? 
        • #15630
            Thank you for the useful advice. I grounded the Mayfly to the 12v battery ground and voila! The RDO is reading perfectly. Never would have thought of that one so you saved me a ton of time. Thanks!!!!
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