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Increasing resolution and reading differential voltage

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Increasing resolution and reading differential voltage

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  • Author
    • #12208
      Iris Allen

        I’m looking to use the mayfly data logger to read data from my homemade sap flow sensors. To do this I need to increase the resolution so I can read up to 0.0001 v of differential voltage.

      • #12209
        Shannon Hicks
          The Mayfly has an ADS1115 16-bit A/D converter on it. To use it, you can use the Adafruit ADS1x15 library and follow the tutorial on this page: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-4-channel-adc-break
        • #12210
          Iris Allen


            Thanks for the help! I’m going to start messing around with it this week, so I might come back with more questions soon.

            Thanks again,

          • #12243
            David Lutz

              I’d be interested to hear what you find. Here in NH we have interest in sap flow measurements for projects in conjunction with the Proctor Maple Syrup Institute at UVM. Installing Mayfly-

            • #12249
              Iris Allen


                We should get everything with the Mayfly up and working within the next month, so I’ll keep you in the loop!


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