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I am currently unaffiliated with and organization.

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed I am currently unaffiliated with and organization.

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  • Author
    • #16624
        I created an account on Monitor My Watershed and selected my organization “Mississippi Watershed Management Organization”. I have deployed a rain gauge and set up the site “

      • #16625
        Heather Brooks

          @aufdenkampe, could this be related to the recent Monitor My Watershed updates?

        • #16633
          Heather Brooks
            @brianjastram, I want to make sure I’m understanding the problem before I post this as an issue on GitHub. Did you set up your personal account and the organizational account on Monitor My Water
          • #16643

              @heather, Thanks for checking.

              Both accounts were set up before the mid-December release. The personal account was around 8/13/19 and the organizational account was around 10/3/19.

            • #16645
              Heather Brooks
                Thanks for that information. Next question: was the site that’s not displaying your affiliation (SAVPW-RG) created after mid-December? If it was created before the release, did the affiliation u
              • #16646

                  The site (SAVPW-RG) was not created after mid-December. It was created closer to that Aug. 2019 date.

                • #16655
                  Heather Brooks

                    Thanks for the details. I’ve created a GitHub issue for this.

                  • #16919
                    Heather Brooks
                      @brianjastram, our partners at LimnoTech believe they have resolved the affiliation issue for you. I’m adding an excerpt here for the record; please

                      • #16929

                          I see it’s resolved. Awesome. Thank you all.

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